Weber Residence Skylight Retrofit

Weber segmented dome skylight 17963-2130

A 30’ diameter, sixteen-sided, white, round skylight still had the original single layer acrylic glazing, no sky view and was damaged by hail. The skylight did not …

Alderwood Mall Skylights

Alderwod Mall 16768_87

After a consultation trip and report presenting various options, the managers of this mall north of Seattle decided to go with a reseal and a complete…

Worn Out Skylight Replacement


Simons Properties asked us to replace the glass pyramid skylight located over the information center booth. This worn out skylight needed new glass and a new…

Marilyn Hickey Ministries Skylights

project header ridge skylights 3171-20111020-0930

Imagine a shopping center or mall that has continuous glass skylights over all the common areas. Now imagine a church purchases the mall and…