Dome Set Replacement | Embassy Suites Portland WS
Broken and cracked skylight lenses aren’t the only issue the skylight cluster has. For example, this band-aid attempt to stop a leak appears to follow the more is better line of thinking!
From Coast to Coast
Broken and cracked skylight lenses aren’t the only issue the skylight cluster has. For example, this band-aid attempt to stop a leak appears to follow the more is better line of thinking!
The cluster skylight over the hotel atrium is in poor condition. Numerous issues were noted during the inspection including cracked and patched domes, frames separating …
Skylight Inspection Skylights on the site: 1. Skylight Manufacturer: Unknown 56 acrylic pyramid dome skylights 6.5’ x 6.5’ each set in clusters over the hotel …
These skylights are old and beyond their life expectancy. And they show it. The acrylic is brittle and the skylights are actually a fall hazard for anyone on…
An onsite skylight survey inspection was made June 9th 2011 by Skylight Specialists, Inc., represented by Rob Packard.Skylights of concern were the acrylic…
An onsite skylight survey was conducted on June 8th 2011 by Skylight Specialists, Inc., represented by Rob Packard. Mall skylights of concern were the glass…
The mall skylights were inspected on June 8th 2011 by Skylight Specialists, Inc., represented by Rob Packard. The mall skylights of concern were the two…