Hail Damaged Polycarbonate Skylights | Colorado Springs Airport
The July 28, 2016 hailstorm that smashed Colorado Springs damaged the old wide-cell polycarbonate and fiberglass skylights at the airport.
From Coast to Coast
The July 28, 2016 hailstorm that smashed Colorado Springs damaged the old wide-cell polycarbonate and fiberglass skylights at the airport.
May 8, 2017 will rank as the most expensive catastrophe in state history. Commercial properties weren’t included in the $1.4 billion estimated hail damages—they were certainly not excluded from…
Time has taken its toll on the original skylight—replacement is the only answer. This particular skylight presents another issue—a width of 14 feet. What this…
Furnished and installed one CPI Daylighting Direct2Fab Quadwall pyramid skylight with flashing. D2F is a fast delivery program for…
Earlier this year, 2016, a severe storm cell passed over the Jefferson County (Jeffco) office complex. The storm’s1-1/2 inch hail damaged over 300…
Construction has begun on a new rec center in Eaton, CO. Ground breaking was on April 15th, 2016 and is expected to be completed in the summer of 2017.
Earlier this year, another violent hailstorm roared through the district and did serious damage to many of the skylights, requiring many unit skylight retrofit.
The USAFA Falcon Mews project is the construction of a state of the art mews located at the Academy. Each mew space has a large window and a skylight.
Our proposal to retrofit the skylights with two CPI Daylighting pyramid skylights was accepted. We will use CPI’s polycarbonate Quadwall® system…
The Chase Bank building in Loveland, CO has four low-rise pyramid skylights. The bank has experienced problems with these skylights over the…