North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher | Roof

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Available for work in Colorado and Coast to Coast — It all starts with a simple phone call.

See also: NC Aquarium and Skylight Details

The existing roof panels leaked all the way around each panel onto the floor. There were drip marks everywhere. The new panels prevent any type of condensation drips because they are well insulated and installed properly, of course. The panels are heavy because of the foam insulation and it takes a large crew to get them into place, especially on a steep pitched roof that is 40′ off the ground. There is no room for mistakes and everyone is trained and skilled in communication and their trade. This a 100% tied off job site, for obvious reasons.

You can see the difference in the before and after pictures below between fiberglass skylights and the roof panels that are barely a decade old and the new skylight and roof panels. You can also see the difference in the size of the valley flashing. And look closely at the “old” system, there are fasteners everywhere, however you do not see any fasteners exposed on the new systems. These types of details matter for successful long-term installations. This roof had been replaced 2-3 times previously with the same product and this time the owners decided they had had enough of fiberglass failing. We provided a twenty year warranty to prove that our products are better.

A Roof Valley

Roof flashing details, such as in the valley, is very critical for weather tight installations. All steps have to be taken properly or the design will fail. Putting our most skilled foremen to work on these details is how we insure that no rookie mistakes are made. Additionally, we manage all four systems; skylights, roofing, siding and gutters. One company that is responsible for the installation of each of these components and handles all the details on how they all come together seamlessly and without any issues. Its all in the details.

Roof Flashing



Product Used:

  • Centria VERSAPANEL (Roof panels) – 13,042 S.F.
  • Centria VERSAWALL (Fascia) – 903 S.F.
  • Centria Gutter – Approx. 600 linear feet
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