Rogue Valley Mall Skylight Survey

Rogue Valley Mall Skylight Survey

An onsite skylight survey inspection was made June 9th 2011 by Skylight Specialists, Inc., represented by Rob Packard.Skylights of concern were the acrylic…

Salem Center Mall Skylight Survey


An onsite  skylight survey was conducted on June 8th 2011 by Skylight Specialists, Inc., represented by Rob Packard. Mall skylights of concern were the glass…

Pioneer Place Mall Skylights

Pioneer Place Mall Skylights_15949-02

The mall skylights were inspected on June 8th 2011 by Skylight Specialists, Inc., represented by Rob Packard. The mall skylights of concern were the two…

Bellis Fair Mall Skylight Consulting

Bellis Fair Mall Skylight Consulting-0112

A skylight consulting onsite inspection was made June 6th 2011 by Skylight Specialists, Inc., represented by Rob Packard. Mall skylights of concern were the…

SW Plaza Shopping Mall Skylights


An onsite inspection was made April 1, 2010 by Skylight Specialists, Inc, represented by Rob Packard and Tom Ring. Skylights of concern were…

Foothills Mall Skylight Retrofit

Foothills Mall Skylight Retrofit

General Growth Properties asked us to provide a skylight retrofit. We would replace a few of the acrylic skylights with new polycarbonate skylights…