Skylight Inspection/Certification
- An onsite skylight survey and inspection was made 4/22/2022 by Skylight Specialists, Inc.
- Represented by Josh Hannon.
Skylight Specialists, Inc. retrofitted the hotel’s skylights in December, 2017. We will be inspecting our own work as a part of Hilton corporate policy to inspect all skylights every five years.
Skylights on site:
1. Skylight Manufacturer: Skylight Specialists, Inc.
(2) units 16 bay MAGS BAR systems with polycarbonate dome sets.
These skylights are located over the hotel atrium.
- Glazing: Polycarbonate, white, dual glazed.
- Structure: Adequate spacing and size structural aluminum frame.
- Anchors: Adequate anchor size and count around perimeter.
- Curbs: Adequate height and flashing in good shape.
- Flashing: Matches existing roof and in good condition.
- Rating: (1-10 scale) 9.0
- Expected Life Span: 5-10 years.
- Recommendation: No work needed. Do not let any personnel or visitors access to the roof without proper fall protection training and equipment.
2. Skylight Manufacturer: Skylight Specialists, Inc.
(2) units 9 bay MAGS BAR systems with polycarbonate dome sets.
These skylights are located over the hotel pool.
- Glazing: Polycarbonate, white, dual glazed.
- Structure: Adequate spacing and size structural aluminum frame.
- Anchors: Adequate anchor size and count around perimeter.
- Flashing: Matches existing roof and in good condition, no leaks reported..
- Rating: (1-10 scale) 9.0
- Expected Life Span: 5-10 years.
- Evaluation: Skylight is in acceptable condition no work needed.
- Recommendation: No work needed. Do not let any personnel or visitors access to the roof without proper fall protection training and equipment.
Evaluation of All Skylights
All of the skylights on this building are in great condition and no work is needed at this time.
Five Year Plan
- Priority 1 – Immediate (must be done; leaks, life safety etc.
- Do not let any personnel or visitors access to the roof without proper fall protection training and equipment
- Priority 2 – Long term (within 5 years or more)
- Re-inspect every five years
- Continue to monitor for leaks