Skylight Inspection/Certification
- An onsite skylight survey and inspection was made on 4/8/2022 by Skylight Specialists, Inc.
- Represented by Jon Kolenc.
1. Skylight Manufacturer: Unknown
One (1) 72’ x 100’ (nominal) glass, ridge, structural, original skylight.

- Glazing: Glass, heat strengthened, clear, single glazed, fall protected
- Structure: Adequate spacing and size structural aluminum frame.
- Anchors: Adequate anchor size and count around perimeter.
- Curbs: Adequate height and flashing in good shape.
- Flashing: Matches existing roof and in good condition.
- Rating: (1-10 scale) 3.5
- Expected Life Span: 5-10 years, depending on maintenance.
- Evaluation: This skylight is at a low pitch which causes dirt build up and also is more susceptible to leaking. The caulking along the frame and glazing is pulling loose in certain areas because the paint/finish is peeling off the aluminum, this is allowing for water penetration. Additionally we identified one (1) butt-joint that’s cracked and will need to be re-sealed.

Evaluation of All Skylights
- The skylight system is showing normal signs of aging but should be receive maintenance and be re-sealed on a regular basis to increase life-span. At minimum, spot repairs of weak points found on 4/8/2022 should be completed.
Five Year Plan:
Priority 1 – Immediate (must be done; leaks, life safety etc.).
- Do not let any personnel or visitors access to the roof without proper fall protection training and equipment.
Priority 2 – Short Term (should be done within the next year or two).
- Repair/Maintenance on glass skylights. (or replace).
Priority 3 – Long term (within 5 years or more).
- Re-inspect every five years.