Skylight Inspection
- An onsite skylight survey and inspection was made on 10/9/2020 by Skylight Specialists, Inc.
- Represented by Jon Kolenc.
1. Skylight Manufacturer: Unknown
- (1) unit(s) 8.00′ wide x 30.00′ long odc with vertical end walls.
- (3) unit(s) 8.00′ wide x 25.00′ long odc with vertical end walls.
- (1) unit(s) 8.00′ wide x 20.00′ long odc. with vertical end walls.
- (1) unit(s) 8.00′ wide x 6.50′ long . with vertical end walls.

- Glazing: Fiberglass, yellowed and stained, severe fiber blooming. fall protected.
- Structure: Adequate spacing and size structural aluminum frame.
- Anchors: Adequate anchor size and count around perimeter.
- Curbs: Adequate height.
- Rating: (1-10 scale) 3.5
- Expected Life Span: 1-3 years.
- Evaluation: Fiberglass has exceeded its useful service life and skylights should be replaced with polycarbonate units.
What is fiber bloom?
Fiber bloom is where the constant exposure to UV rays of the sun erodes the matrix of the material and exposes the glass fibers. With preventative maintenance, by coating the surface, it can be stopped. However, without the maintenance, it can proceed to the point where replacement is the only viable solution.
Such is the case with the skylights at LifestyleRx a wellness center in Livermore, California.

We recommend:
Replace the six skylights with Kingspan Light + Air Quadwall skylights. These polycarbonate skylights contain no fibers to bloom and barely yellow over time.
Color Change Test results:
Successful exposure to concentrated natural sunlight radiation of 56000 MJ/M2 (1540 MJ/M2 of U.V.) at New River Site, Arizona.
Color Change ASTM D2244 No more than 3.0 units Delta E after 60 months.