Interior Wall Lights Installation at the Boulder Public Library

Quote Request1-866-759-7732

Boulder Public Library is renovating the Main Boulder Public Library. Specifically, the first floors of the 1992 and 1974 buildings. This includes the Children’s and Teen areas, as well as the adult fiction, music and movies collections.

Phase 1 of the renovation is wrapping up and Phase 2 is ramping up.

Our part of the project was begun in early September, 2014.

What We Are Doing:

We will be installing wall lights to create the “portals of translucent materials ” mentioned below.

The children’s area and the Readers’ Bridge beyond would be approached via a ramp designed for displays to draw patrons through to the 1974 wing. The entrance to the children’s area would represent a special design opportunity, with portals of translucent materials that do not block the view entirely, but suggest a “secret garden” beyond. This design would take advantage of the existing multi-purpose room to create an enclosed story time and crafts area, allowing greater breadth in children’s programming.

Product Used:


  • No required maintenance or re-coating costs—individual panels  are easily replaced.

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