While not a complete list of all our projects, our Featured Projects list is approaching 300 published projects of all types and sizes!
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GridSpan FRP Panel Replacement
Balfour at Littleton Senior Living saddle ridge skylight. The Problems: Skylight Specialists, Inc. will replace the FRP panels. The Solutions: Remove five (5) unit skylights on five different buildings…
Fort Leavenworth Library Skylight Renovation
Skylight Specialists will replace the glass on the Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library. The Project: The set up: Setting glass. The pyramid skylight. Product used:
Fort Leavenworth Bldg B-427 Skylight Renovation
Skylight Specialists will replace glass and wet seal two skylights. The Problems: The Project: The ridge skylight. The pyramid skylight. Product used:
Barrel Vault Skylight Replacement | CCWRD Las Vegas
Clark County Water Reclamation District will replace a failed fiberglass skylight. The Problems: The fiberglass skylight has deteriorated to the point that a replacement is necessitated. The Solutions: Product…
Centennial Civic Center Failed Fiberglass Skylights
A Cost Effective Solution for the City’s Leaking Skylights. The Problems: The fiberglass paneled skylights had been leaking for years—we first inspected them in March of 2017—and over time…
Canine Companions Skylight Retrofits
American Skylights Barrel Vault Skylights — A Cost-effective Solution. The Problems: After conducting a thorough inspection of the skylights at Canine Companions, we discovered several pyramid unit skylights showing…
Skylight Inspection | Denver Central Park
An Embassy Suites by Hilton Skylight Inspection and Certification. An onsite skylight survey and inspection was made on 4/2/2024 by Skylight Specialists, Inc., represented by Dan Packard. Atrium skylights –…
Monumental Failed Fiberglass Skylight | Portland OR
Fiber Bloom, Severe Degradation and Mold Requires a Skylight Retrofit. The Problems: The Project: Progress improved significantly with the last panels installed February 9th, 2024. The next day or…
Kingspan Light + Air Pyramid Skylight Retrofit
Four Pyramid Skylights on Two Buildings Will Be Replaced. The Problems: The Set Up: The Retrofit: The Retrofit After Dark: Product used: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: