Skylight Inspection and Certification
An onsite skylight survey and inspection was made on 8/18/2017 by Skylight Specialists, Inc. Represented by Josh Hannon.
Skylights on the site:
1. Skylight Manufacturer: Faulkner Plastics.
Five (5) 4’ x 12’ (nominal) acrylic, dome, curb mount, 80’s era skylights.
- Glazing: Acrylic, white, dual glazed, not fall protected.
- Structure: Perimeter supported, adequate.
- Anchors: Adequate anchor size and count around perimeter.
- Curbs: Poorly designed and a potential problem.
- Flashing: Possible cause of leak on southern most skylight.
- Rating: (1-10 scale) 1
- Expected Life Span: 1-3 years.
- Recommendation: Full replacement with fall protected units and new flashing.
Evaluation of All Skylights:
Attempts on all skylight of “resealing” to prevent leaks. Skylights in acceptable condition will not require this.
There are additional issues identified.
All of the skylights on this building show signs of moisture resulting from failed seals. They are well past typical life expectancy of a skylight and showing obvious signs of wear and tear.
They are also not fall protected, as the lenses are only acrylic. There may be a flashing leak on the furthest southern skylight that will require more investigation.
Five Year Plan:
- Priority 1 – Immediate (must be done; leaks, life safety etc.).
- Do not let any personnel or visitors access to the roof without proper fall protection training and equipment.
- Priority 2 – Short Term (should be done within the next year or two).
- Replace – acrylic domes with fall-protection rated domes.
- Priority 3 – Long term (within 5 years or more).
- Re-inspect every five years.
Priority 2 – Replace Skylights.
About a year after our initial inspection, the managers decided to replace the skylights.
Product Used:
- American Skylights | Custom Thermally Broken Curb Mount clear over white, polycarbonate lenses with mill finish frame.
- Flashing: Custom galvanized metal.