Montclair US Post Office Skylight Repair (Wet Seal)

Quote Request1-866-759-7732

The sealants on the large ridge light over the entryway are degraded and the skylight is no longer watertight. In addition, residue from the deterioration has “stained” the glass and framework.

The USPS contacted us for a solution and we determined that a wet seal and cleaning would be cost effective.

What We Did:

  • Removed the existing sealant and weather proofing.
  • Cleaned the skylights and framing to remove all dirt, decomposing material, rust or any other potential issues.
  • Performed a wet seal, using Dow Corning 795, to reseal and chemically bond the skylights to the flashing and framing.
The finished skylight looks great!

Product Used:


  • Skylights will be weather proofed and no longer have condensation, leaking, or other issues.
  • The clean skylights will let in more natural light, and have a better view for customers and employees.

Skylight Benefits:

  • Reduce dependence on electric lighting—increase energy savings.
  • Increase the facility’s property value.
  • Healthy, natural daylight in the space with soft translucent light and accurate color rendition.
  • In work environments, increased daylighting has been shown to increase productivity.
  • In retail environments, increased daylighting has been shown to increase sales by as much as 40%.

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