CPI Daylighting CRP Clearspan canopies using 16mm Pentaglas® panels.
The Clearspan concept, with no horizontal crossbeams, provides an open and modern canopy design with unequaled architectural appeal.
Supplying and installing two canopies over the main and parts/service entrances to the Transwest Frederick building that did not create an additional maintenance expense and capable of withstanding the harsh weather extremes of this Colorado location.
1 CPI Daylighting custom walkway vault CRP, Width 14.00′, Length 10.00′, Rise 1.59′, 145 SF — 16mm Pentaglas Glazing – Aluminum Battens
1 CPI Daylighting custom low rise vault, Width 17.00′, Length 10.00′, Rise 3.23′, 186 SF — 16mm Pentaglas Glazing – Aluminum Battens
Approximately 5,488 ft lbs of Overturning Moment, 578 lbs of Shear, 3,831 lbs of Down Force and 2,310 lbs of Uplift at the Base of Each Column
Note: Approximate Curb Loads: Horz. 4,247 lbs, Vert. 3,772 lbs (2,215 lbs uplift) at 3.9′ OC) (Curb is located 2.0′ from sill for rafter overhang)
The CPI Daylighting Clearspan canopies, designed to withstand hurricane force winds, provide an aesthetically pleasing entrance with little to no maintenance requirements. And the reduction of roosting places for birds greatly reduces cleanup expenses.
Sweets Catalog
Transwest Frederick Case Study