Skylight Inspection/Certification
- An onsite skylight survey and inspection was made on 1/10/2022 by Skylight Specialists, Inc.
- Represented by Josh Hannon
Skylight on site: One large glass structural ridge over atrium.
1. Skylight Manufacturer: Unknown – Custom installation
- One (1) 35’ x 80’ (nominal) glass structural ridge skylight system.
- Glazing: Glass, laminate, clear, dual glazed
- Structure: Adequate spacing and size structural aluminum frame.
- Anchors: Adequate anchor size and count around perimeter.
- Curbs: Access unavailable, covered by roofing.
- Flashing: Matches existing roof. No issues visibly present and no roof leaks evident.
- Rating: (1-10 scale) 7.5
- Expected Life Span: 3-5 years.
- Evaluation: Skylight is in acceptable condition but must address dripping leak in southwest corner of structure. Seal failure is a common issue and develops over time due to weather in region.
- Recommendation: Perform re-seal of existing glazing sections and monitor for additional leaks.
Evaluation of All Skylights
Skylight is overall in acceptable and functional standing. Issues with drip leaks in southwest corner are common of skylights this style and age in your region. Perform full re-seal of existing skylight system for each glazing section and monitor for any new leaks until service can be performed.
Five Year Plan
- Priority 1 – Immediate (must be done; leaks, life safety etc.)
a. Do not let any personnel or visitors access to the roof without proper fall protection training and equipment. - Priority 2 – Short Term (should be done within the next year or two)
a. Full re-seal - Priority 3 – Long term (within 5 years or more)
a. Re-inspect every five years