Skylight Inspection | Monterey Bay Seaside

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An onsite skylight survey and inspection was made on 04/04/2018 by Skylight Specialists, Inc.
Represented by Rob Packard.

Skylights on the site:

skylight inspection Monterey 26621 103620
Atrium Ridge Original Skylight

Skylight Manufacturer: Unknown
One 32’ x 125’ (nominal) glass, ridge, structural, original skylight.

What We Found:

Glazing: Glass, tempered over laminate, green tint, dual glazed, fall protected
Structure: Adequate spacing and size structural aluminum frame
Anchors: Adequate anchor size and count around perimeter.
Curbs: Adequate height and flashing in good shape.
Evaluation: Skylight has new sealants applied in recent years, however about 15% of the insulated units have failed.
Flashing: Ridge flashing and possibly end wall flashing not secured properly.
Rating: (1-10 scale) 5
Expected Life Span: 25-50 years
Recommendation: Glazing will need replacement to achieve expected life span. Otherwise the glass ridge skylight is in good shape and can be expected to provide many years of maintenance free daylighting.

Our Observations:

Our onsite examination of this skylight provided information that was verbally reported to the Chief Engineer on the day of our visit. It was reported that a wet seal and cap replacements on the glass ridge had been performed in 2016. We observed that the front two bays on the west side and the front three bays on the east side had not received the reported repairs. The other sections were completed and looked in good shape.

It was also observed that about 15% of the glass units had lost their seal and were failed with visible signs of moisture and mineral deposits in between the glass unit. Any reported leaks in the future may be coming from these failed units and successful leak repairs cannot be performed without the replacement of the unsightly glass.

Five Year Plan

Embassy Suites Monterey Bay Seaside California Seaside California Califo

Priority #1 – Immediate (must be done; leaks, life safety etc.)
a. None
Priority #2 – Short Term (should be done within the next year or two)
a. Replace glass
b. Inspect every 5 years for structural integrity.
Priority #3 – Long term (within 5 years or more)
a. Perform wet seal maintenance on glass ridge skylight every 15 years, next would be due in 2031

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